Thursday, April 30, 2009


Your German word of the day today is:

gefährlich: dangerous, like what the swine flu is to that man who is being treated at the University's hospital.

Well upon request from a one Amanda Blocker here is a video tour of my apartment. It was supposed to be German Cribs but I failed Ashton and Kristin because it is not nearly funny enough to be a cribs video. In fact, its kinda awkward, quiet, and whatevev. but hey, it lets you see where i live which is the point.

In other news I get to wear my dirndl (traditional german dress) tomorrow because I am going to Munich to meet up with Morgan from Berry to go to Frühlingsfest, which is essentially the little sister to Oktoberfest. I am super excited! I bought shoes today to wear with my dirndl cause none of mine looked right.

Oh also, in addition to Doeners I am also addicted to this type of chocolate they sell in the grocery store...well at least in ALDI I havent seen it at any of the other ones. They are called Moser-Roth chocolates and they are delicious. But here is the good news. Despite how much yummy beer and german/turkish food and chocolate i have been feeding myself I think I actually lost weight. I know its ridiculous but i put my dirndl on this afternoon and it was not as difficult to button as the last time i had it on....weird. Also good, more room for tomorrow. Because I was worried how I was going to eat and drink without popping a button haha I mean lets face it I am pretty sure Dirndls are just german corsets so yeah.


1 comment:

  1. sooo let me just say, i am sorry for not commenting on this blog entry. i remember in costa rica being soooo excited when people did - and soooo bummed when they didn't. plus, this tour of homes was at my request, so i should be more grateful! i did watch the video and i am very glad to have a visual for life there. more videos, please!
