Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here we go...

Ok so that best friend of mine has been pestering me to start one of these things for a while now. And since I do not want to reward a pesterer it has taken me like what three weeks since I have been in Germany to finally start it.

So I arrived here April 6th, 2009 not so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as much as tired, sore, reserved, and nervous. I mean, yes, I was excited but like most things in my life that are new I need time to adjust. I am not a big fan of change in general, and moving to another country for a few months is quite the change. Plus, I was a little intimidated because I have never done anything on my own before. I am kind of a codependent person. But in these first few short weeks, I have learned that I can be independent and might prefer to be, now and again, but still I am in need of others. Regardless, it took me a while to settle in a feel at home and not so uptight...but alas, now, I can relax here and feel I am at home in Regensburg.

Few observations:
1. Döner mit Feta are my new guilty pleasure. Seriously so good. I don't know what I am going to do without them back at home. Life changingly yummy if you ask me!

2. Germans stare. Seriously. You know how in the States if you make eye contact with a stranger in public you would a.)look away b.)smile really quick as if to say sorry I was looking at you I'll smile so its not awkward ? Yeah the Germans don't do that. I catch them staring at people but when you catch their eye they are not even phased. They just keep right on staring. It's a little unsettling. But very funny.

3. Germans water down their juice. I am a big fan of this practice. First of all its not as sweet that way. Also it goes a lot further and you can actually quench your thirst with juice+water. Juice alone and you end up still thirsty. Also, my favorite of these types of juice is the ever popular Apfelschorle. Its basically half apple juice and half carbonated water...I love it!

4. I love public transit but I knew I would.

5. I am fairly certain I have fallen in love. Head over heels in L-O-V-E, LOVE with Regensburg. Seriously if you ever get the chance to come it!

6. Wurst, Sauerkraut, Brötchen, and Bier are not so fact I like them all! Some more than others.

7. Europeans have some new fangled definitions for the words "warm" and "hot". Neither of these words in my definition could be applied to Regensburg weather 90% of the time.

8. I have never been more grateful for God and his Church. Seriously its really nice to go half-way around the world and still be able to find people who understand that part of me.

9. While I am on a grateful kick, let's give a round of applause for the creators of Skype. Without them I would not get to see my baby nephew, my best friend, and family.

So I am not going to try and catch you up on the first three weeks, it's fairly boring anyways. Basically it consists of me being confused and bad at German and getting a million things done (Bankkonto, Insurance, registration, visa, you know all that) so I won't bore you.

So I'll start with today. Today was my first day I went to my Prakticum for EDU 222 at the Schule am Napoleonstein. I contacted this school before I came and they are letting me observe and participate in a 2nd grade class for 20 hours (my required number of hours). Well, I was very nervous to go today for many reasons. First of all, I have never been to that part of Regensburg before and I was a little nervous about getting lost. Secondly, back to the "I don't like change thing" usually I don't like new things when I don't know what to expect either. Oh and also, I was nervous about my German skills. Well after some walking after I missed getting off at the right stop (I forgot the name of it and I didn't have my map with me...but God blessed me with a good sense of direction so I wasn't that much off only wrong by one stop) I found the school. I tentatively went up and found the right building and my way to the Sekratarin's office. I told her I was there to observe Frau Elsner's class and she showed me the way. Well, the class is SEHR WUNDERBAR! It is a 2nd grade class and all of the kids are so enthralled by the fact that I am American. Before I introduced myself to them they thought I came from England...haha but they were even more excited when they learned I am from the U.S. Oh, and they love my first name so I am letting them call me that. Frau Elsner is so nice, too. I felt very welcomed and she seemed like a very genuinely good-hearted woman. I am really excited about this. She told me she also teaches the 5th and 6th graders English so I am going to help out in there whenever possible as well. But the kids were really adorable!!! I have never heard "Hi! Hi! Hello! Ashley! Hi Ashley! Hello Ashley!" so much in my life. Adorable. But also, I am fairly certain that this is going to solidify for me that I could not teach this age group my whole life or I would lose my mind. haha But yeah before I left the kids were about to go for Mittagspause (literally: middle of the day break not recess...they actually leave, like go home and then come back later) and Frau Elsner asked them to sing some of the songs they had been practicing to greet me. It was wonderful.

I then took the bus back to and ate in the Mensa (dining hall...I FINALLY figured out that whole mess) did some homework and then had my four hour long grammar class (yeah it's intense but I am learning A LOT). I was going to go grocery shopping today but its so cold and wet...I just can't bring myself to walk that far outside. So most likely I will have a Döner for dinner...haha

I have also decided that in my blog I want to stay connected to my American-ness. And what is more American about me, Ashley Lynn McCarty, other than how much fast food I eat? Why the amount of American television I watch of course! so here is part one of my weekly installment of:

(Vorsichtig! Spoilers ahead!)

The Amazing Race:

Ok, I know I am not supposed to like Jaime and Cara because Jaime is soooooo ethnocentric and rude...two things I am not about in the slightest....but I can't help it I liked them early on so I feel like they are my team. And they make me laugh. And maybe this makes me a sadist but watching Cara get that foot massage made me laugh. Which is why I was so happy for them that they came in first this week...but then Phil has to go and bring out that big twist of the leg continuing. But also that made me really happy because that means that Keisha and Jen are still in this thing (we think anyways...unless that is part of the twist who knows) and that makes me really happy. In related news, what the heck was with Tammy and Victor at that Detour huh? Is is really that hard to jump at the same time on a diving board and hit the water together? I mean I know its not as easy as it looks but come on! I no longer like Margie and Luke after the whole body-checking Jen and then being all over-dramatic at the pit-stop so I won't discuss them. All in all I was just happy the brothers were gone this week!


I read in US Weekly on the plane on the way over here that Katherine Heigel doesn't know if she lives or dies. I don't believe it. We all know she is leaving...don't get my hopes up for nothing. My favorite moment of this episode was when Sloane told Torres to stop speaking in spanish because he doesnt speak spanish...all the funnier bc of my recent language shortfalls

The Office

Wow! What a good episode. The way they kept me on the edge of my seat to see if Michael could handle that meeting was brilliant and hillarious. And the church van thing almost made me pee my pants laughing. No really I had a lot of Apfelschorle that day. haha Pam's little monologue about a kid crashing a car was also especially nice. Just generally a good episode and I am glad the office is reunited and GO PAM for being a salesman now! How exciting for her! And with her portion of that $60,000 check her and Jim could afford to pay Here Comes Treble now! haha jk


Oh Greek...what would I do without you? I think it goes without saying that I love this show more than I should. But the writing is actually very clever for a teen drama on ABCfamily. So this week I must remark on the fact that I think they are laying the groundwork for problems with Casey and Max perhaps. What?! McCarty you are crazy! they are a great couple so could you think that? Here is why I think that: when rusty came to see Max about Dale being a shut-in he commented on how he kinda wishes his academic life were more like it would have been in California had he gone there. This gives Max an easy out of the show when Cappie finally makes a move on "the girl of [his] dreams" (his words not mine) I feel awkward when Ashley and Casey try to make Jordan fit in with ZBZ...I dont know. She is going to have to have a major character change in order for it to be believable that she can be happy there. I dont like Andy. And I don't think he is that cute either. Go Rusty. Cappie is of course the true hot throb of this show though and I hope for some more jealousy stories in the near future...they never get old! Dale and that old woman are just gross. But Dale's comment about The View was really funny. Ummm, and can we talk about how messed up Evan and Frannie are? I still think they are a perfect couple considering they are both evil incarnate but whatev apparently the writers didnt consult me. I could go on and on about things that made me react overdramatically but those are just the highlights and my thoughts.

Until next time...Auf Wiedersehen!


  1. okay so there is just so much to say about thsi blog. #1- it is excellent. #2- not talking about the deaf kid cause he is a punk made me laugh #3- As Tammy and Victor were sucking at life at the diving board I kept thinking how awesome we would be at that challenge. We totally could have done the diving board thing and owned it, pointed toes and all. #4- I dont like Sauerkraut (not much of a surprise I am sure) #5- I am so happy the praKticum is going well! How fun. And its completely funny that you have to be in Germany to let people call you Ashley. haha....I laughed at that a lot. #6- I didnt read the entire American Television section because I am not all caught up, so thanks for the Vorsichtung. :-) OKAY! That is all. Well done blogging. It brightened my day.

  2. hiiii! i am SO GLAD you started this! oh my gosh, really. soo excited. The whole classroom experience sounds incredible - I have a feeling you are not going to want to leave those kids.. i love how they call you ashley. do they pronounce your name differently? i mean, i know there can't be many ways to say it, but i'm just curious - aaashlee or ah-shlee? and does the shlee sound like the german hawking a loogie sound? yikes, that's enough of that. it's late here and i'm a tad delirious. i didn't read your tv stuff yet because i have been a big time slacker and not seen tv in awhile. i even missed LOST tonight. woah. ok, so i'm going to need a brief or not so brief explanation of where you live, who you live with, etc. thankssss. :-)

  3. Ashley-I'm so excited that you started this blog! I loved reading it especially the part about your 2nd grade class. After spending 3 weeks in South America I totally get the whole warm/ hot thing. Your poor Dad had the hardest time trying to get enough ice in his drinks, even knowing the spanish words for more ice they usually just gave him the blank stare. I'm not sure why getting ice in your drink is such an American thing but he was very grateful to be back home and have a whole cup of crushed ice. Keep up with the blog!
